Another Piece to My Virtual 1965, 1966, and 1967 Philadelphia Virtual Uncut Sheets

July 3rd, 2013  |  Published in New in the Gallery  |  1 Comment

This week I picked up another piece for my virtual uncut 1965, 1966, and 1967 Philadelphia uncut sheets: the miscut 1966 Philadelphia Steelers team card pictured here. There’s barely enough to tell, but the right side of the shows a little of John David Crow’s card. Here are the two cards together:
Miscut 1966 Philadelphia Steelers Team football card1966 Philadelphia John David Crow football card
I have determined that 1965, 1966, and 1967 Philadelphia uncut sheets all had the same numbering pattern, so the miscut Steelers team card tells me that cards #144 and #175 were together on all three sheets. Those of you who are following my geeky project can see my progress on my Uncut Sheets in Progress page.

I also spotted another card this week that would help me, but it’s part of a large eBay lot, and I’m not quite crazy enough to spend $95 to get it. If you look carefully, you can see a miscut 1967 Brig Owens card in this group of miscellaneous vintage cards. I think the card to its left is John Brodie, but I’m not quite certain. Maybe I can get it if the auction ends without bids.

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  1. Jim from Downingtown says:

    July 6th, 2013 at 8:01 PM (#)


    I have a 1968 Don Meredith Topps card that is slightly off-center vertically, enough to see the top of Cornell Gordon’s name on the card below Meredith’s.