Yanks Football Cards

Set # Card Title Pro Team College Grade Price Notes Date Added
1948 Bowman 21 Bill Chipley Boston Yanks Clemson, Washington and Lee ex 32.00rookie card, short print
1948 Leaf 38 Boley Dancewicz Boston Yanks Notre Dame vg mc 5.00rookie card, error card, blue jersey numbers, miscut, possibly trimmed
1949 Leaf 52 Bob DeMoss New York Bulldogs Purdue vg-ex 14.00miscut
1949 Leaf 67 Bobby Layne New York Bulldogs Texas PSA 4 310.00error card
1949 Leaf 127 Frank Seno New York Bulldogs George Washington vg-ex 14.00
1950 Bowman 12 Joe Golding New York Yanks Oklahoma exmt 19.00rookie card
1950 Bowman 13 Martin Ruby New York Yanks Texas A and M nm 29.00rookie card
1950 Bowman 49 Sam Tamburo New York Yanks Penn State nm+ 39.00
1950 Bowman 50 Mike Swistowicz New York Yanks Notre Dame nm 32.00
1950 Bowman 83 Lowell Tew New York Yanks Alabama nm+ oc 19.00
1950 Bowman 84 Barney Poole New York Yanks Army, Mississippi nm 32.00rookie card
1950 Bowman 122 Bob Mann New York Yanks Michigan nm 32.00
1950 Bowman 123 Buddy Young New York Yanks Illinois vg-ex 8.00rookie card
1951 Bowman 7 George Musacco New York Yanks Loyola Marymount ex 9.00rookie card, wax on back
1951 Bowman 43 Dan Edwards New York Yanks Georgia exmt 15.00rookie card, light wax on back
1951 Bowman 44 John Rauch New York Yanks Georgia ex 9.00light wax on back
1951 Bowman 45 Zollie Toth New York Yanks LSU exmt 15.00rookie card, light wax on back
1951 Bowman 80 Art Weiner New York Yanks North Carolina vg 4.00
1951 Bowman 81 Brad Ecklund New York Yanks Oregon exmt 15.00rookie card
1951 Bowman 115 Joe Golding New York Yanks Oklahoma vg-ex 6.00
1951 Bowman 116 Sherman Howard New York Yanks Iowa, Nevada vg 4.00